Pomnik Immanuela Kanta w Gołdapi

Pomnik Immanuela Kanta w Gołdapi

Immanuel Kant is an outstanding philosopher who lived in years 1724 - 1804. Throughout his life, he was associated with Królewiec, where he studied. He spent10 years in silence to create one of his well-known publication - "Critique of Pure Reason". It is said that he left his home place only once to visit Gołdap in 1775. At the commemoration of this visit, residents has put a statue, which is now a major tourist destination.

Tourist attractions - Gołdap county

See also

Jezioro Bitkowskie Ruiny mostu kolejowego w Kruklankach Kościół NMP Matki Kościoła w Gołdapi Ściborki – Eskimosi i Indianie Wieża ciśnień w Gołdapi