Muzeum Ziemi Gołdapskiej

Muzeum Ziemi Gołdapskiej

The history of museum is closely associated with Mieczysław Ratasiewicz. In 1962, this young man got his first job at school in Gołdap. Over the years, he was passionately collecting and documenting all changes and discoveries in the region. One day, the collection has become really valuable and it was decided to create a special section in museum for it. The most interesting exhibits include war memorable, historical, ethnographic and geological objects.


Tourist attractions - Gołdap county

See also

Pomnik Immanuela Kanta w Gołdapi Kościół p. w. św. Antoniego Padewskiego w Baniach Mazurskich Jezioro Czarne Piękna Góra Wieża ciśnień w Gołdapi