Themed trips

  • Suwalski Gigant

    Length: 178 km
    Time: No data

    Route: Gołdap – Las Kumiecie – j. Gołdap – Botkuny – Galwiecie – Pluszkiejmy – Budwiecie – Markowy – Żabojedy – Będziszewo – Błąkały – Stańczyki – Golubie – Pobłędzie – Rakówek – Okliny.

    Giant trail is marked in red on the maps. This is one of the longest tourist routes in the region, measuring about 178km. The trail runs along the borders of Poland, linking the border areas of three different countries. On the way one can admire impressive scenery and cultural places.

  • Szlak Gołdap – Węgorzewo

    Length: 76 km
    Time: No data

    Route: Gołdap – Jabłońskie – Włosty – Juchnajcie – Sokoły – Rożyńsk Mł. – Ziemiany – Skaliszkiejmy – Klewiny – Kruki – Żabin – Rapa –Mieduniszki Wlk. – Skaliszki – Wydutki – Popioły.

    There are plenty of viewpoints on this route. It leads through a Beautiful Mountain and Klewińskie and Kruckie hills, offering an amazing panorama. Along the way, you can admire the historic manor courts from the nineteenth century and the pyramid in Rapa.  Also impressive are the areas around the loop of Węgorapa river and along Brożajcki Canal.

  • Szlak im. M. Kajki

    Length: 37 km
    Time: No data

    Route: Ełk - Chruściele - Tracze - Mostołty -Pistki -Klusy- Kroksztyn lake - Ogródek - Skomack Wielki - Orzysz lake.

    Route of Michael Kajka runs for 37 km from Elk to Skomack Wielki. It stretches along the Elk lake, through wooded, undulating terrain of countryside and gets to Lipinski and Kroksztyn lakes. On the way there a museum of Michael Kajka. 

  • Wiewiórcza ścieżka

    Length: 12,5 km
    Time: No data

    It is an educational trail running around the lake at a distance of 2 meters from the shore. The full rut can be completed within 3 hours of slow walk. Helpful information placed on boards along the path are particularly useful for walking with children. Along the way, you can see many different species of plants and birds. This is a typical relaxing stroll among the beautiful smell of nature, not only in summer.