Kościół NMP Królowej Polski w Olecku

Kościół NMP Królowej Polski w Olecku

The church is located on a small hill called "Church Hill” and was built around 1560. The building has undergone a lot of attacks. In 1656 after Tatars attack it was completely burned down. Then, shortly after the reconstruction, it was burnt again in 1684. Church was again thoroughly renovated. Unfortunately, the year 1945 and the Soviets invasions destroyed the church for the third time. Its final reconstruction was managed by great architects A. Nowakowski and J. Pawlowski. Currently, is a monument of gratitude to God and his mother Lady Queen of Poland for saving John Paul II.

Tourist attractions - Olecko county

See also

Cmentarz z I wojny światowej w Kowalach Oleckich Kościół Matki Boskiej Różańcowej w Szarejkach Pałac w Białej Oleckiej Cmentarzysko kurhanowe w Czerwonym Dworze Majątek i dwór w Drozdowie