Jezioro Oleckie Wielkie

Jezioro Oleckie Wielkie

Oleckie Great lake - This is a lake with an area of 227.3 hectares characterized by high coastline. It's entered by Lega river from the north. The coastline is 10950 m long and is overgrown with reeds, rushes and sticks. Fish that you can catch here: eel, pike, tench, perch, bream, roach, smelt, bleak, carp, trout, catfish, ruff, whitefish and vendace occasionally.

Tourist attractions - Olecko county

See also

Dwór w Dunajku Dwór w Lenartach Kościół w Gąskach Kościół Matki Boskiej Różańcowej w Szarejkach Kościół w Wieliczkach