Jezioro Garbas Duży

Jezioro Garbas Duży

Garbas Large lake - This is a large lake with an area of up to 45,81ha and depth of 38.0 m. It is located to the south of Stare Juch, next to Liski village. Panorama around the lake include wooded banks, pastures, meadows and recreational buildings. Fish that you can find here: pike, eel, catfish, perch, carp, tench, bream, ide, roach, whitefish, whitefish.

Tourist attractions - Ełk county

See also

Bajtkowo Jezioro Selmęt Wielki Kolej Wąskotorowa Kościół ewangelicki w Stradunach Park dworski w Ruskiej Wsi