Suwalski Gigant

Suwalski Gigant

Length: 178 km
Time: No data

Route: Gołdap – Las Kumiecie – j. Gołdap – Botkuny – Galwiecie – Pluszkiejmy – Budwiecie – Markowy – Żabojedy – Będziszewo – Błąkały – Stańczyki – Golubie – Pobłędzie – Rakówek – Okliny.

Giant trail is marked in red on the maps. This is one of the longest tourist routes in the region, measuring about 178km. The trail runs along the borders of Poland, linking the border areas of three different countries. On the way one can admire impressive scenery and cultural places.

See also

Szlak Gołdap – Węgorzewo Wiewiórcza ścieżka Wokół Jeziora Selmęt Wielki Szlak im. M. Kajki Rechot

Places on the trail

Jezioro Gołdap

Goldap lake - This is a border lake. On the polish side its area covers 234 hectares, making it the largest lake in Romnicka forest. Surroundings include beach town, recreational centers and numerous private accomodation. Here you can catch: pike, zander, bream, bream, roach, bleak.

Atrakcje turystyczne - Powiat Gołdapski

Puszcza Romnicka

This is a vast forest land partly based in Pojezierze Litewskie. Romincka Forest is characterized by a unique fauna and flora, resembling taiga. The main tree types growing here are pine and spruce, one can also see  oaks, linden, birch and hornbeam. Majority of typical polish wild animals live here, except for bison. Typical ones are elk, deer, roe deer, wild boar, wolf, fox, lynx, badger, raccoon, otter, beaver and many more. The name of the forest is not known etymologically. It may come from the Prussian antonym "Roma" and perhaps also from Rominty.

Atrakcje turystyczne - Powiat Gołdapski

Mosty w Botkunach

There are many interesting bridge structures in Romincka Forest, along the border with Russia, on a non-existent railway line Goldap-Żytkiejmy. The most interesting and yet not very well known are well hidden among the trees, three-span bridges in Botkuny. These are locally called Jurniszki from the nearby river Jarki. There are two bridges built in western architecture style and designed by Italian architects. They are approx. 25 meters high.


Atrakcje turystyczne - Powiat Gołdapski

Mosty w Stańczykach

In the area of Stańczyki one can notice a beautiful valley called Błędzianka. It is characterized by deep cuts down and steep hills. Famous Stanczyki bridges were built in the twenties in order to construct the railway connection. Bridges were elevated at a height of 32 meters above the valley floor. Their architecture is fascinating and attract many excursions.

Atrakcje turystyczne - Powiat Gołdapski

Pałac w Golubiach

Palace in Golubie comes from XIX century and was once known as the Valley of Carolina. The initiator of the structure and its owner was Count Graf von Stillfried. The place became famous with its special microclimate and curative water distributed throughout the farm. Current owners are happy to tell interesting stories about this place. The legend says that in winter 1411, when the Lithuanians were returning from Grunwald, their heavy equipment broke the surface of the ice. Soldiers, horses and all of the equipment sank in Golubskie lake. Every cold winter one can hear the moans and clatter of horses coming out from the lake. Currently, on the premises there is Folk Crafts and Art centre and rehabilitation centre.

Atrakcje turystyczne - Powiat Ełcki