Ruiny mostu kolejowego w Kruklankach

Ruiny mostu kolejowego w Kruklankach

Today, little remains of the railway bridge over the Sapina river. It was part of a vast railway investment and technically advanced engineering project. During World War I German sappers blew up the eastern span. It was rebuilt and bravely served until 1945, when the Russian troops appeared on the horizon to liberate Eastern Prussia from Nazi captivity. Germans expected an attack and mined the bridge, but fortunately no one ever detonated the bombs. It was later on blew up by the locals to stop Russians from further looting. Nowadays, the ruins are a historical place and sightseeing attraction.

Tourist attractions - Gołdap county

See also

Jezioro Czarne Cmentarz żydowski w Gołdapi Piramida w Rapie Kościół p. w. św. Antoniego Padewskiego w Baniach Mazurskich Pomnik Immanuela Kanta w Gołdapi